Our People

I am here to help during some of the major events in your life, such as house purchases and sales, at times of bereavement and should a loved family member lose mental capacity. 

If I can help minimise the difficulties at these times through advance preparation of a Will, a Trust, or a Power of Attorney, together with some tax or succession planning, then I will.  I also advise and administer charities.

Recent Activity

In recent weeks I have participated in a charity campaign, making Wills in return for a donation to charity, prepared Powers of Attorney, taken instructions for Guardianships, where a family member has become incapax without a Power of Attorney, wound up estates, prepared leases, advised on a section 75 agreement with a view to selling land for development, prepared Partnership Agreements for farming partnerships, and prepared a Trust to preserve assets, with conveyancing transactions for purchases and sales being carried out daily.  I have presented seminars to the legal profession  and paralegals in the past on Wills, Trusts and the Law of Succession.  I have also given talks to a variety of groups of private individuals on the advisability of making Wills and Powers of Attorney.