Our People

Ron Nicolson

Ron Nicolson

As an Independent Financial Adviser, I help my individual clients to save and invest for the future.

I help my clients protect themselves and their families in the event of death or long-term illness.

My advice to clients can help them save for their future (including retirement) as well as their family's future.  I help them invest for income and/or growth using tax-efficient plans and I also work with them to reduce - or potentially eliminate - Inheritance Tax.

I help businesses survive the problems that can arise on the death or long-term illness of a principal or key employee by arranging Directors’ Share Purchase, Partnership and Key Man insurances.

I also employ a rolling review programme, ensuring that I meet with my clients at least once a year to update their circumstances and requirements.

Recent Activity

Helping a client who had sold a business to plan for the future by putting in place suitable arrangements to provide ongoing income from investments made with the proceeds of selling the business, inheritance tax protection and retirement savings.

Reorganising a client’s existing investments to reduce immediately (by over £100,000) the potential liability to inheritance tax on death, with the potential to reduce IHT liability by a further £165,000. This was achieved while continuing to provide the client with funds to supplement income as well as control of the investments.