Our People

 I am a specialist planning solicitor with long experience in local government as well as private practice experience.

I am qualified in Scotland, England and Wales and I am ideally placed to advise on the planning aspects of any matter, from residential to renewable energy projects, in England and Wales as well as Scotland.

My role is help you address issues relating to all aspects of the development consenting regime whether that is under the Town and Country Planning Acts or the Electricity Act at the pre application, post application and appeal or further procedure stages. I have experience in the drafting and negotiation of planning obligations, appeals as well as called in and recovered appeals and public inquiries in England and Scotland.

"Nicola Martin is fantastic and a great support to the team. She works very diligently, pulls together the team and addresses all the points of the matter."


Recent Activity

My recent work and ongoing work includes:

A called in planning appeal for up to 350 residential units on greenfield land (in England)
A recovered application for a gypsy traveller site (in England)
Public Local Inquires in respect of s36 Electricity Act applications (Scotland)
A planning appeal for an on shore wind farm involving objections multiple statutory consultees for which permission was granted(Scotland)
Working to complete a planning obligation to achieve the issue of planning permission for a large residential – mixed use development. This project includes the completion of a Roads Act agreement with Transport Scotland to secure trunk road improvements.