Partnership Working, Tendering & Contracts
Few charities work in isolation. Many partner with other charities and third sector bodies, with statutory bodies and with individuals to deliver services and support. Partnerships with the private sector are also common. Having a sound, legal basis for these partnerships means that your charity knows exactly where it stands and exactly what is expected from both sides.
We work with you to help you understand what the partnership you are contemplating means in legal and financial terms, and then to determine the service level agreements which underpin the partnership.
Tendering & Contracts
We advise on a range of legal agreements relevant to charities, from tendering and service level agreements through to funding and loan agreements.
If you are setting up or running a social enterprise, trading becomes important and we can advise you on the contracts you’ll need to allow you to trade successfully. This could be as simple as a lease for equipment for your community café or complex heads of agreement for your community to run its own wind farm.
If your charity has developed products or processes which could be licensed to generate an income, then we can you protect and exploit that intellectual property.
Collaborations, Joint Ventures & Mergers
Our team can advise on and help you to structure projects which involve collaboration with other organisations, whether they are a straight collaboration on a single project or a joint venture taking place over a longer period.
Partnership working and collaborations can lead to the realisation that work is being duplicated and scarce resources split. That realisation is often the start of a merger/takeover process between charities. If a merger/takeover is contemplated, we can advise throughout the process on the myriad of legal issues that arise, whilst helping to minimise the risks to each organisation.