News & Updates
COVID-19 Holiday Leave Entitlement
It has been announced by the UK Government that workers who have not been able to take all of their statutory annual leave entitlement due to COVID-19 will now be able to carry it over into the next 2 leave years.
The proposed Regulations which we have yet to see will allow up to 4 weeks of unused leave to be carried into the next 2 leave years, easing the requirements on a business to ensure that workers take statutory amount of leave in any one year.
Further details will be posted as soon as we have any information to share.
The information contained in this newsletter is for general guidance only and represents our understanding of relevant law and practice as at March 2020. Wright, Johnston & Mackenzie LLP cannot be held responsible for any action taken or not taken in reliance upon the contents. Specific advice should be taken on any individual matter. Transmissions to or from our email system and calls to or from our offices may be monitored and/or recorded for regulatory purposes. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 302 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5RZ. A limited liability partnership registered in Scotland, number SO 300336.