Compulsory Purchase and Taws Orders
We have been involved in major CPO Inquiries, and provided advice to planning authorities on CPO issues, as well as those affected by CPO, both North and South of the Border.
The compulsory purchase of land can impact heavily, yet differently, on people depending on their specific interest in the land. For a developer it is often an important tool when seeking to acquire land upon which to plan their development, whilst for a landowner or tenant a compulsory purchase order presents a risk that they may lose their land, their home or their business.
Our specialist team has acted for acquiring authorities, developers and objectors alike, in CPO Inquiries. We have the experience to guide you through this process regardless of whether you intend to utilise CPO powers or find yourself under threat from them. We will provide you with advice on a range of matters, from specific compensation issues to the CPO process itself, and can negotiate on your behalf and represent you in challenging a decision.
We were also involved in the first ever Transport and Works Scotland (TAWS) Order, and are now advising on the 4th TAWS Order to be promoted in Scotland. We are the industry leaders in this emerging area of law.