Wright Johnston and Mackenzie Solicitors


WJM is recognised as one of Scotland’s leading healthcare law practices. With significant experience and expertise in both the private and public healthcare sectors, we serve numerous GP practices, dentists, optometrists, pharmacists, care home operators and other healthcare professionals from our five offices across the country.

As trusted advisors to more than one hundred GP practices, we are counted as one of Scotland’s leading practices acting for medical practitioners and are privileged to have been appointed as BMA Law’s sole trusted legal provider in Scotland. BMA Law was established by the British Medical Association to provide legal advice to its members throughout the country.

We are also firmly embedded in the Scottish dentistry sector as a leading law firm and frequent contributors to the Scottish Dental Magazine, among other healthcare professional publications.

Our multi-disciplinary team provides a full range of legal services relevant to the sector with key expertise in advising healthcare clients on such matters as:
• Preparing or updating partnership agreements to assist the smooth operation of healthcare practices;
• Conversion of partnerships to limited liability partnerships
• Dispute resolution;
• Employment issues;
• Real estate/lease matters.
• Buying and selling dental practices (see our Guide to Buying and Selling Dental Practices in Scotland)

We offer an integrated and sector aware service covering all legal issues which your practice or business may face. Our advice to you is based on a clear understanding of the law but is also pragmatic and designed to deliver to you the result you wish. Across the team, we have enough experience, pragmatism and insight to deliver the most effective service to you.