Our People

Esme Macfarlane

Esme Macfarlane

I assist clients with the property aspects of renewable energy projects at all stages from inception to generation.

My work includes:

  • Providing advice on all property aspects of energy storage developments;
  • Negotiating options, leases and ancillary documentation, including for private wire servitude routes and security and restoration documentation in relation to renewables projects;
  • Conducting property due diligence in relation to large and small-scale developments for funders and developers; and
  • Producing Certificates of Title in the context of financings and sales to cover heritable title and property documentation in relation to multi-landowner sites.

I also have experience relating to planning and environmental matters associated with energy projects, including reviewing planning documentation and environmental statements.  This, combined with having acted for large and small scale developers, funders and landowners, means I have a well-rounded perspective on the most practical and bankable way forward.  My experience covers a range of renewable technologies including onshore wind, hydro, tidal and energy storage.

Recent Activity

  • Negotiating the property documentation for a number of battery storage projects including assisting in the first commercial energy storage project to be sold in Scotland. 
  • Assisting in all property matters in relation to the development, financial close and sale of Freasdail Wind Farm, Kintyre, one of Scotland’s most ambitious, remaining ROCS projects, including production of two separate Certificates of Title to cover the wind farm site and private wire route.
  • Acting alongside our corporate colleagues in the refinancing of a FITS funded hydro scheme, including the drafting of the property aspects of the security documentation and providing a Certificate of Title for the new funders.