Wright Johnston and Mackenzie Solicitors

Retail & Consumer Contracts

Working with small-scale suppliers and market leaders alike, we can boast a sound knowledge of this rapidly changing and highly regulated physical and on-line business environment.

WJM has extensive experience in supporting business clients who supply consumer products and services and/or trade online or through physical outlets and sales forces. We are fortunate enough to advise small scale suppliers as well as market leaders and that gives us a thorough understanding of the need to accommodate the regulatory burden, the commercial drivers and the continually changing physical and online business environment that comes with the territory.

Our client sectors range across areas as diverse as food and drink manufacturers and suppliers, hotels, restaurants, caterers, packaging, financial services products, electronics, software, mobile apps developers, home improvement, design and decorating, furniture, construction providers to product manufacturers and service suppliers in all sorts of consumer markets.

Consumer law for businesses
The law in this area changes rapidly, and whether your business model is traditional or e-commerce, the onslaught of compliance in this area requires a constant awareness of the duties and obligations which your business needs to comply with. We can help provide commercial legal solutions for your business, including on how to transact with your customers and still make a profit and protect your reputation while observing a variety of consumer orientated laws and regulations covering distance selling, unfair terms, data protection and privacy legislation, the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and the provision of goods and services.

Legal advice
Some examples of the work we help with includes:

• Business to consumer contracting
• Complex commercial agreements involving consumers either directly or as end-users
• Drafting, revising and updating documentation with sub-contractors, consultants and suppliers who are to deal with your customers
• Terms of business
• E-commerce and online contracts
• Dealing with Regulators, Ombudsmen etc
• Compliance with ever-changing regulation on the collection and use of data and databases
• Statutory and contractual quality guarantees

If you require advice, please get in touch with a member of our team.