Our People
As part of the Renewables Team I assist clients in securing property rights for renewable energy projects across a range of technologies.
My work includes:
- Complex title examination work to secure land rights and advising developers and funders on key issues for their project and conducting property due diligence for both funders and developers.
- Negotiation of option and lease documentation and related property agreements for a wide range of Scottish renewables projects.
- Advising on crofting, agricultural and rural aspects of renewables projects.
- Assisting clients with property matters in financing and sales.
Recent Activity
I have recently completed a secondment as in-house legal counsel for a developer client where I was involved in all aspects of renewables projects.
Assisting in relation to all property documents for the accrediration and funding of Bad a Cheo Wind Farm project in Caithness. This included negotiation of the option and lease, private wire servitude and access documentation and examining title in relation to the main site, cable route and pinch points.
Negotiating the property documentation for a number run-of-river hydro shemes across Scotland.